From Zeerijp to The Hague: What happens after the presentation of the report of the parliamentary committee of inquiry on gas extraction Groningen?
The Standing Parliamentary Committee for Economic Affairs and Climate is currently considering the report so that a Parliamentary debate can be prepared. The first step being taken is a round of written questions on March 23. At the press conference, Chairman Van der Lee announced that a debate in the House of Representatives will first [....]
The Publieke Zaken annual review 2022 - From crisis to crisis
This busy year, in which the number of challenges increased, Lower House Speaker Vera Bergkamp describes as "a year of great events. For example, Ukrainian President Zelensky addressed the Lower House. Never before had a foreign head of state addressed the Dutch parliament. In addition, parliamentary history was again made in October by the suspension of [...]
The parliamentary inquiry gas extraction Groningen : A retrospective
In the coming months, the committee of inquiry will work on its final report. This will incorporate the findings from the source research, the working visits, the private preliminary interviews, the requisitioned documents and the public hearings. In total, the committee requisitioned more than 600,000 documents from 47 organizations. It also conducted 124 private preliminary interviews and the committee went on a total of 5 working visits [...].
Budget Day 2022: Nothing new under the sun...?
"In the energy memorandum to be presented soon, the government proposes an integrated policy to slow the growth of consumption and increase the security of energy supply." It could easily have been said today during Budget Day. Were it not for the fact that this sentence from the 1974 Throne Speech [....]