Sustainability / Office

February 01, 2017

We look back on a successful and constructive election meeting!

Naturally, the theme was energy, sustainability and Climate. Remco de Boer (BNR/FD) kicked off the meeting with a sharp and hilarious column to warm up the audience(click here to read part of it back). For example, "the CDA was very disappointing in the Trump era, far too solid." Then Agnes Mulder (CDA) and Andre Bosman (VVD) entered into a debate led by Carla Joosten. The audience was also able to critically question the experienced MPs!

The urgency for energy transition is felt, Agnes Mulder stated, "There is no plan B, we just have to do this. We cannot afford for this to remain a hobby of the left side of the Chamber." In doing so, the CDA opts for "innovation, employment and support."

Minister Kamp's energy agenda states that we are going to focus on CO2. Andre Bosman thinks this is a sensible objective: "If CO2 is given a realistic price, things will happen automatically and everyone will start saving energy and making investments. With a CO2 price within the ETS, however, we will continue to look at what other countries are doing."

In addition, Andre Bosman explained his amendment to the Energy Transition Progress bill. Bosman suggests abandoning the mandatory connection to the gas grid. He wants to "empower municipalities to think about what they can do about alternatives to a gas connection."

Remco Dijkstra (VVD) also attended the debate. Upon request, he briefly explained his activities in the role of Rapporteur on the European Winter Package and the Energy Union. "After all, Energy and Climate are pre-eminently issues that you have to regulate at the European level."

Prior to the debate, the launch of "My Publieke Zaken" also took place. Our new database to always keep abreast of policy developments in The Hague and Brussels. Click here for the information leaflet.

Attached is an impression of the meeting.

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Written by:

Publieke Zaken

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