Salka de Visser

Salka de Visser works as a political analyst at Publieke Zaken.

About Salka

Salka de Visser has been working as a political analyst at Publieke Zaken since May 2023 , where she combines her passion for sustainability and politics. She holds a bachelor's degree in International Studies with a focus on East Asia from Leiden University and a master's degree in International Relations with an emphasis on history and sustainability from Utrecht University.

In addition to her academic background, she has gained experience at a charging station start-up, completed a communications internship at the development bank FMO, and completed a traineeship on the Sustainable Development Goals at FrieslandCampina. Since March 2023, she has also held the role of communications volunteer at Volt Europe, where she is committed to a pan-European approach that stands for innovative politics.

At Publieke Zaken , Salka is committed to supporting companies at all stages of the energy transition in understanding and responding to political developments in The Hague and Europe.