August 07, 2024

PZ ERS in the news - Fossil-free by 2050 costs more than carbon neutral

Should the Netherlands be CO2 neutral or completely fossil free by 2050? The investment costs for these two scenarios are 28 billion euros apart, the consulting firms Publieke Zaken and Quo Mare have calculated. The public debate focuses too much on meeting the Paris climate goals, believes energy economist Hans van Cleef.  
In a BNR radio broadcast, Hans van Cleef explained the recently published report by Publieke Zaken Energy Research & Strategy and Quo Mare. The report describes the differences between two scenarios in which the Netherlands meets its climate goals by 2050. One scenario assumes a CO2-neutral energy system in 2050, while the other assumes a fossil-free energy system in 2050.

The report can be read at this link.

The broadcast can be heard at this link.

Written by:

Publieke Zaken

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