There are numerous plans across Europe to build new terminals to import liquefied natural gas. Experts say we are heading for a surplus, which could have major consequences for the climate.
Energy expert Hans van Cleef of Publieke Zaken doubts the need for new lng terminals in Europe. He thinks we will still need a lot of natural gas in the coming years, but that the bigger risks lie outside Europe.
"The biggest uncertainty is not so much import capacity, but whether the supply of lng will be there," he says. He points to geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, as well as domestic politics in the United States.
"What happens when Trump is back soon with his US first policy?", for example, he wonders. As president, Donald Trump might want to keep more natural gas in the U.S. to keep domestic prices down. "That could be a risk," Van Cleef says.
"It is and will remain a tight market. That's really going to last for a few more years," says the energy expert. "I read somewhere the other day that the crisis is over, but I wouldn't say that. At least not for the next two or three years."
You can read the entire article here.