News / Sustainability

October 19, 2016

Minister Kamp names three national icons; including Redstack - Blue Energy

Redstack - Blue Energy (Sneek)

Minister Kamp names three national icons; including Redstack - Blue EnergyBlue Energy stands for generating electricity from the difference in the salt concentration of salt and fresh water. The company behind Blue Energy, Redstack, owned by entrepreneur Rik Siebers, has developed an innovative technology to generate energy through reverse electrodialysis. The concept is already being applied on the Afsluitdijk where fresh water from the IJsselmeer and salt water from the Wadden Sea are used. The technology not only has export potential, it also fits completely into the transition to sustainable electricity production without CO2 emissions. The security of supply of the energy is high. Water always flows: even when the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining.

The three new National Icons are fully supported by the Cabinet. For example, the innovations will each have a minister or state secretary as their own ambassador. This provides access to a large network at home and abroad, helps find funding and new partners, and provides support from the government.

More information about the election can be found at

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