
Oct. 19, 2023

In conversation with Marick Wijnands: "The topics we deal with at Publieke Zaken are constantly evolving."

In this interview series, we talk to various employees at Publieke Zaken. This time we speak to Marick Wijnands who started as an intern at Publieke Zaken and is now working as a working student.

What is the name of your current position?

I am employed at Publieke Zaken as a working student political analyst.



How did you end up at Publieke Zaken ? Can you describe your development within Publieke Zaken ? 

I joined PZ as an intern during my gap year. As an intern at PZ, I was introduced to the My Publieke Zaken monitor and immediately gained a lot of knowledge at the internal portfolio meetings. After my internship, I was given the opportunity to stay on as a political analyst on a part-time basis. I am responsible for preparing (bi-)weekly lobby updates for clients, providing information via My Publieke Zaken and training new colleagues and interns.


What image you had of this work/Publieke Zaken beforehand turned out to be very different in practice? 

Prior to my internship, I didn't really know what public affairs meant and thought 'the lobby' was just an abstract concept. Being part of the team from day one gave me a much better understanding of what public affairs is all about. For me, the taboo of lobby has been removed and I have come to understand the importance of the profession better.


Can you describe a working day? What was your most enjoyable working day at Publieke Zaken?

Like everyone else, I start the morning with a chat about what the day will look like and who is working on what. For me, this often involves following a debate, providing documents with an interpretation and publishing these interpretations on My Publieke Zaken. In addition, on the days that I am day coordinator, I have responsibility for coordinating the debates that are scheduled and the documents we provide with interpretations. The aforementioned (bi-)weekly lobby updates, consultant assignments and internal consultations are also central parts of my days in the office.


When is your workday successful? Did you accomplish what you are most proud of? And what would you still like to accomplish?

My working day is successful when I hear positive noises from clients about what you have worked on. This can be about interpretations of debates or House letters, but also about advice-related work that helps the client move forward.


What makes working in this industry fun?For example, what developments make it interesting? What is the most valuable thing you learned at Publieke Zaken?

The great thing about working in this industry is the variety of information you get to hear and read. The topics we deal with at PZ are constantly evolving and that makes it fun to get all of that. In addition, it is fun to follow politics up close and to see and hear what political sentiments resonate with the business community. With the elections approaching, this makes it extra interesting to see what course will be set for the coming years.


What is your favorite topic of conversation with colleagues during break time?  

Like me, many colleagues are political junkies. Therefore, I continue to enjoy hearing from colleagues over lunch how they view recent political developments, as well as the latest political rumors.

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Publieke Zaken

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