PZ ERS in the news - The Telegraph: Fear of gas price rise: 'Netherlands underestimates risks'

Experts say the Netherlands is again underestimating the risks of extreme winters, the breakdown of gas production now that Russia is not supplying and there are too few gas imports. Moreover, the Groningen gas field will close in October. Lecturer Martien Visser of the Hanzehogeschool Groningen warns that a single incident is already driving up the price: the recent outage of a Norwegian gas field [...]

Energy economist internship vacancy effective September

If you have demonstrable affinity with and interest in energy markets, energy transition, public and political debate, a keen eye and good writing skills, please contact us! Publieke Zaken is a consultancy based in The Hague. We offer knowledge and insight on energy markets and developments related to energy and climate policy. These developments translate [...]