Dossier nitrogen: What's on the table?

Through his clear wording and genuine compassion, he garners praise from concerned sectors and parties. The main recommendations of the report are: 500 to 600 large companies close to natural areas should stop within a year. (the so-called peak loaders) 2030 remains for now the year by which the nitrogen targets must be met In 2025 and 2028 [....]

Budget Day 2022: Nothing new under the sun...?

"In the energy memorandum to be presented soon, the government proposes an integrated policy to slow the growth of consumption and increase the security of energy supply." It could easily have been said today during Budget Day. Were it not for the fact that this sentence from the 1974 Throne Speech [....]

Groningen gas extraction parliamentary inquiry

A tough tool The parliamentary inquiry is the toughest investigative tool available to the House of Representatives and allows for extensive research, document requests and interviews of those involved under oath. Dutch citizens summoned for questioning by the committee are required to appear. The tool is relatively rare; [...]

Now available for download in the App Store: My Energy and Climate News

To keep abreast of the news in your sector at all times, Publieke Zaken introduces a news app: My Energy and Climate News In this app, users are kept live up-to-date with news in national and local media. At the press of a button, an up-to-date news overview of all relevant news articles appears on [...].

Update My Publieke Zaken - New features

Today we went live with an update to My Publieke Zaken! In collaboration with a designer, we already redesigned our emails last summer to optimize readability. In addition, we have made a number of other structural improvements over the past period. In order to properly represent your interests, [...]

Stientje van Veldhoven a guest at Publieke Zaken-lecture with Texels touch

Publieke Zaken was dedicated to the circular economy on Tuesday, June 18. FinCo, CIV Texel, IGES, PARO, KIMO and Stichting de Noordzee signed their cooperation agreement Plastic2Fuel. This cooperation aims to fish non-recyclable plastic from the North Sea and convert it into clean fuel. The fuel can then be supplied to the fishing [...]

Analysis programs European elections May 23

Climate and energy is an important issue for many Dutch parties in the upcoming European elections on May 23. Publieke Zaken identifies a number of similarities and differences in the election programs. CO2 reductionNearly all parties want to raise the European ambition for CO2 reduction. D66, PvdA, VVD, CU/SGP (who together have one list in Europe) and 50PLUS want to [...]

Commission satisfied with own progress Energy Union

On Tuesday, April 9, the European Commission presented its fourth report on the Energy Union. In glowing terms, the Commission states that this package of measures, with the "Clean energy for all Europeans" package (also known as the Winter Package) of late 2016 as the largest component, is a great success. By European standards, a negotiation period of [...]

Interview with Rene Leegte at the NewsBV

Interview with Rene Leegte at the NewsBV following the first 100 days of Rutte III and the actions of Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate, Eric Wiebes, in response to the problems in Groningen. Listen to the excerpt below:

Podcast BNR energy takes off

Today starts the series of broadcasts of the new podcast BNR Energie with presenter Remco de Boer. The podcast is entirely about the energy transition and can be listened to via, the BNR app, Spotify and Itunes. In the first episode of BNR Energie, Remco de Boer talks to a real Zeeuw. Based in Middelburg, [...]